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Schwartz, Marietta (Haeg) - University of Massachusetts-​...
来自 : www.x-mol.com/university/facul 发布时间:2021-03-26

Marietta Haeg Schwartz. \"Charge-transfer Interactions in Cyclophanes\". Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry, 9, 1990, 1-35.Joseph S. Alper, Robert I. Gelb, and Marietta H. Schwartz. \"Complexes of Tri- and Tetra-Protonated Forms of 1,4,8,12-Tetraazacyclopentadecane with Chloride, Nitrate, Iodate, and Sulfate Ions in Aqueous Media: I. Formation Constants, Thermodynamic Properties, and Bonding Mechanisms\". Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry, 11, 1991, 333-48.Joseph S. Alper, Robert I. Gelb, and Marietta H. Schwartz. \"Complexes of Tri- and Tetra-Protonated Forms of 1,4,8,12-Tetraazacyclopentadecane with Chloride, Nitrate, Iodate, and Sulfate Ions in Aqueous Media: II. Analysis of the Underlying Experimental and Theoretical Assumptions\". Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry, 11, 1991, 349-60.Marietta H. Schwartz. \"Microscale Distillation - Calculations and Comparisons\". Journal of Chemical Education, 69(4), 1992, A127-8.Stuart Rosenfeld, Marietta H. Schwartz, Janice Sieser, Jerry P. Jasinski, and Ernest S. Paight. \"The Structure of 1,4-Bis(methoxycarbonyl)bicyclo[2.2.2]octa-2,5-diene\". Journal of Chemical Research (S), 1992, 60-1.Robert I. Gelb, Joseph S. Alper, and Marietta H. Schwartz. \"Complexes of Tri- and Tetra-Protonated Forms of 1,4,7,10,13-Pentaazacyclopentadecane with Various Mono- and Di-Valent Anions in Aqueous Media\". Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 5, 1992, 443-50.Marietta H. Schwartz, Stuart M. Rosenfeld, Christine I. Lee, Jerry P. Jasinski, and Edward H. Dardon. \"The Structure of 9,10-Dihydro-9,10-bis(hydroxymethyl)-9,10-ethanoanthracene-11,12-anhydride\". Tetrahedron Letters, 33(42), 1992, 6275-8.Two student posters presented at the National ACS Meeting held in Boston, August 1998.“Laboratory Manual for Organic Chemistry”, Kenneth F. Cerny and Marietta H. Schwartz, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 1999. Revised printing, 2001. 2nd edition (complete revision) 2008. 3rd edition 2011. Revised printing 2013.Contributed to an oral presentation at the 225th National ACS Meeting (New Orleans, March 2003): \"Online Quizzes and Tutors for Students in Basic Organic Chemistry Courses\", S.S. Hixson, D. Hart, A. Peterfreund, K.A. Rath, P. Samal, M. Schwartz, W.J. Vining, B. Woolf, C.P. Lillya, S.M. BattistiComplete revision of the Test Bank to accompany \"Organic Chemistry\" by Solomons & Fryhle, 8th edition, including approximately 250 new questions. Published Summer 2003.Poster presentation at the UMass Systemwide Educational Technology Conference, April 11, 2008. “Open CourseWare at UMass Boston: Course Materials for Everyone”. Marietta Schwartz and Eileen McMahon.Chaired a panel discussion on Open CourseWare at the 2nd Annual UMB Educational Technology Conference, 16 May 2008. Moderated a roundtable discussion on open source software at the same conference.Presented at the 3rd Annual UMB Educational Technology Conference, May 15, 2009.”Engaging Students in Large Classes: Effective Strategies for Using I-Clickers and Why They’d Work across the Curriculum—Sharing and Discussion” (Brian White, Marietta Schwartz, and Ninian Stein)Poster presentation, “Forays in Instructional Technology” at the Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education and Research, June 2009.KMA Gartland and J Rattray, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland; A Gritsinin, R Hodgart, E Korbek-Erdogmus, J McCrae, J O’Flynn, C Parker, M Schwartz and AJ Grosovsky, University of Massachusetts Boston. 2013. “Using Science Learning Partnerships to Enrich and Internationalise Student Experiences”, paper presented at the Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education conference, Glasgow, 11-13 June, 2013.AJ Grosovsky and M Schwartz, University of Massachusetts Boston, 2013. “UMass Boston College of Science and Mathematics: Transforming STEM Education: Inquiry, Innovation, Inclusion, and Evidence”. Presented at the American Association of Colleges and Universities Network for Academic Renewal conference, San Diego, 31 October – 2 November 2013.AJ Grosovsky, M Schwartz, M Foster, E Korbek-Erdogmus, and A Gritsinin, University of Massachusetts Boston, 2013. “UMass Boston, College of Science and Mathematics: Improving Retention Rates in STEM”. Peer-reviewed paper presented in the Proceedings of the Ninth Annual National Symposium on Student Retention, San Diego, 4-6 November 2013.

本文链接: http://farliesolomons.immuno-online.com/view-781507.html

发布于 : 2021-03-26 阅读(0)
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